Opening Doors London aims to specifically meet the needs of older LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) communities and is aimed at people who identify as LGBT and are over the age of 50. We have members from across London and beyond.
The aims of the Project are to develop services for older LGBT communities that combat isolation through the provision of:
regular social activities
campaigning with service user Ambassadors to ensure older LGBT voices are heard by policy makers and to provide information, guidance and staff training for statutory and voluntary sector service providers, in order to help them develop appropriate and inclusive services for older LGBT people
a befriending scheme
The project also provides information, guidance and training for other service providers, statutory and non-statutory, in order to help them develop appropriate and inclusive services for older LGBT people, as well as volunteering opportunities to work with the groups and with one to one befriending activities.
For more information about volunteering opportunities, please speak with one of the Project Coordinators or email volunteering
c/o Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA
Umbrella org:
Age UK Camden
Area serviced:
Serving London
Opening times:
9.30am-5.30pm for office, social groups in evening. Check with co-ordinators for timings
Who is it for:
Older lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people over 50
How to apply:
Contact above address and telephone number
Russell Square Station (tube), King's Cross Station / Euston Station (tube and train)
Limited access by arrangement through Age UK Camden receptionist