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Primrose Hill Neighbours Help

We match carefully selected volunteer visitors with people over 60 in the Chalk Farm and Primrose Hill area who would enjoy some extra company at home on a regular basis, or some help getting out and about.

We aim to help local older people to continue living independently and happily in their own homes. The people who volunteer as befrienders with us do so because they care about people and enjoy helping in their community.

Supported by Age UK Camden

Chalk Farm Library, Sharpleshall Street, London, NW1 8YN
Umbrella org:
Age UK Camden
Area serviced:
Chalk Farm and Primrose Hill
07531 779 827 (co-ordinator) or 020 7239 0400 (Age UK Camden - to leave a message)
Opening times:
Drop-in information service - Mondays in the library between 2-4pm or call 020 3397 3058
Who is it for:
People over 60
Disabled access:
How to apply:
Call, email or drop in to Chalk Farm Library at the above times

Related Information

Subject Definitions

Befriending services offer supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people with mental health problems who would otherwise be socially isolated.