Computer training
Computer training, we can help you learn how to use the internet, enabling you to access public services, find information on almost any subject, shop online, book travel arrangements and stay in touch with family and friends.
Use email, so that you can quickly and easily contact family and friends.
Use word processing, so that you can create letters and documents on the computer.
How we train
Our computer training is delivered by staff and a team of knowledgeable volunteers. The classes are small, to enable trainees to receive lots of individual attention. there is no formal syllabus that you are required to follow and we aim to support you with what you want to achieve, and we adapt your training accordingly.
The 'Beginners Guide to Computers' course last 10 weeks and each week you will be required to attend a class that is an hour.
The more advanced classes last two weeks and each week you will be required to attend a class that is 3 hours long.
We also provide more advanceed classes, including: LGBT specific classes and drop in sessions, Public services online, Digital photograph, Skype and Social networking.
For learners on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where you can learn to use a computer in a friendly and welcoming environment.
When we have completed the 'Beginners guide to Computers' course you will be eligible to use our drop in sessions. The drop in sessions rum on Monday to Thursday at our training centre in Tavis House. Here you can access the new skills that you have learnt. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to help you advance your learning and answer any questions you may have.
How to enrol
If you would like to book a place on a course or discuss your training needs please contact the Computer Training Coordinator.
We welcome people wishing to volunteer with the Computer Training Project to help deliver training to older learners. Volunteers are expected to have a good level of IT knowledge, with an understanding of MS Windows, MS Word, Internet Explorer and Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail
Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA
Waiting times:
For the basic computer course there is a waiting time-telephone Computer Coordinator
How to apply:
Contact the Computer Training Coordinator at the above address and telephone number
Russell Square (tube) / Euston, King's Cross (tube and train)
Limited access by arrangement through Age UK main reception