Facilities and activities:
32 one-bedroom & 2 bedroom flats
Tai Chi
Common rooms
Guest room
Lift, lounge, laundry, guest faciltiies, and garden
Regular social activities such as scrabble and card games, parties and coffee mornings
Several lunch clubs; fish & chip suppers
Computer club
Mobile library
Non-resident management staff and Careline alarm service
Please ring Origin Housing on 0207 209 9222 or email info@originhousing.org.uk as they run this housing scheme and will be able to help you apply for it or contact Age UK Camden.
St Richards House, 110 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BS
Umbrella org:
Origin Housing
0300 323 0325 (mmanaged by Origin Housing
Who is it for:
People 65 yrs (or 55 years with a medical need)
Easy access to buses nearby; C2 stops outside front door;