Third Age Project is a centre of excellence and innovation in the field of older peoples services.
Activities include: country dancing, crafts, drama, pottery, chair based exercise, table tennis, bingo, yoga, health clubs, sewing groups, health walks, badminton, trips, lunch clubs and more.
To become a member and participate in the activities above you will need to be aged 60+ and live in Camden.
Third Age Project produce a monthly newsletter which details all their upcoming activities and events for that month. Some of their events such as their Osteoporosis Day in April can also be for non-members.
Please visit to download an application form to become a member of Third Age Project.
Alternatively, contact Third Age Project on 0207 383 4922 if you need any assistance. Age UK Camden will also be able to help with information.
Third Age Project are very welcome to email you their monthly newsletter.
Crypt Centre, Munster Square, London, NW1 3PL
Job title:
Project Manager
Opening times:
9.30am-5pm Mon-Fri
Who is it for:
Camden residents over 60
Hindi, Syhleti, Spanish, Chinese, Bengali
Disabled access:
Ground floor location; ramp into the building; disabled toilets