Provided by Access and Response Team, working with physically disabled people to be as safe and independent as possible in their everyday lives.
Occupational Therapists carry out home assessments for people with physical disabilities, make recommendations for equipment, adaptations and manual handling situations, work with users to find new ways of doing tasks, providing equipment such as a bath seat, minor adaptations such as grabrails and recommending major adaptations like ramps or stairlifts according to the individual assessment.
7th Floor 5 Pancras Square, c/o Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE
Umbrella org:
London Borough of Camden
020 7974 4000 Option 2 (Access & Support Team) or 020 7974 4444 (choose adult social care options)
Who is it for:
Camden residents - adults with physical disabilities or who are frail
How to apply:
Self referral or referral by friends, family, health or social care professionals with consent