Age UK Kensington and Chelsea make sure that older people's voices are heard, needs are met and their independence supported. They offer a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
Benefits and income maximisation (making sure you are receiving everything you are entitled to)
Health and disabilities
Social care needs
Advice on energy efficiency and fuel poverty - (may be able to help if you are struggling to pay your energy bills)
Assistance with form filling
Provides a generalist information and advice service, and also casework to deal with more complex enquiries. (Please note: we do not provide advice on immigration or consumer debt.)
Access to the above service is by drop-in, appointment, telephone, outreach and home visits.
Drop-ins are on a first come, first served, basis at the following times:
Mondays 10am-12.30pm
Tuesdays 10am-12.30pm
Thursdays 2.30pm-5.00pm
Home Service includes:
Washing, bathing and nailcutting, simple hairdressing, meal preparation, washing, cleaning and more.
Please visit AUKC's website to find out more about their home care services or contact them directly on 020 8969 9105.
Health and Wellbeing:
Dementia service includes: trips and outings, men's groups, exercises for the mind and more, and one-to-one support for people with dementia. These activities are specifically for
Language classes
Lunch clubs
Knitting clubs
Computers and Technology
Walking groups
Reading and Arts
1 Thorpe Close, North Kensington, London, W10 5XL
020 8969 9105 (main office)
Opening times:
Mon-Fri 9.30am-1pm & 2pm-5.00pm (ask for the Information & Advice team)
Who is it for:
People over 55
Disabled access:
Wheelchair access